Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery

Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery
Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery
• In addition to cosmetic concerns,blepharoplasty is sometimes needed for functional reasons. When an advanced amount of upper eyelid skin is present and sagging, the skin may protrude over the eyelashes and causes a loss of peripheral vision.
• The excess skin is removed, and the puffy fatty tissue is restrained and excess fat removed via eyelid surgery. Hence,the patient attains a healthier look and gets rid of peripheral vision problems, if any.
• An incision is made along the upper eyelid. However,as this is parallel to the eyelid’s own fold, it will only be visible when closely examined. A very faint scar will also remain on the lower eyelid,immediately beneath the lashes, but the incision appears to blend with the normal lines around the eyes.
• Eyelids are one of best parts in the body for concealing scars.
• The procedure itself lasts around one to one and a half hours.The patient does not need to be hospitalised following surgery.
• Sutures are removed within three to five days of surgery.