Breast Uplift

Breast Uplift
• The Operation As part of an cosmetic breast lift procedure,the saggy breast tissue is reshaped and excess skin is removed. The nipple is repositioned.
• The operation is made in the operating theatre in a hospital environment and under general anacosmetic. The operation lasts one and a half to two hours.
• Initial scaring is more visible in the early stages and fade dramatically over time. In the technique we have developed the scaring is of a minimal size and remains virtually unnoticed around the nipple.
The Post-operative Period
• The post-operative period usually passes smoothly. Pain is not a problem in the majority of cases.If a breast implant is used during the operation,there may be some restrictions in arm movement for the first couple of days.
• A bra-like dressing is used to cover the breasts.A separate dressing is used for the nipples.The dressing is replaced after two days and the wound is checked. The dressing is removed after seven days.
• Sutures are removed within seven to 10 days.The patient wears a sports bra for six weeks following surgery and gentle massage techniques are recommended.In the early phases swelling may occur,the patient may feel sensory loss in the nipples in addition to bruising on the skin. These will disappear on their own.
• The patient may return to work within three to four days.They are recommended to avoid impact sports for three months.